Coffee Shop Jams

I was digging through my Evernote notes and found this gem from May 2010 that I never published on my previous blog, so I’m doing it now!

Thanks to Starbucks, the company that is in the business of selling milk drinks not coffee, everyone now has that third place: the coffee shop. Here you can sit down, relax, study, read, etc, etc. Most of the time, there’s music playing in the background. This music can be a) really low b) just at the right volume or c) louder than the heavy metal they play at Chippy’s (Trinity Bellwoods location). 

After sitting in a variety of coffee shops, I assembled a list of jams you’re most likely to hear at those places.

Independent cafés

Usually, the staff is allowed to plug in their own iPod and play their tunes. This can be really bad or really good. And depending on when you go, it can be very repetitive (some employees put the same music week after week - Jimmy’s I’m looking in your direction!)

Jams you might spill your coffee too:
Second Cup

This one alternates. Second Cup employees are required to play the music from the satellite radio, but they have a variety of channels to choose from. However, I’m sure anything with swear words or deemed inappropriate is deemed…inappropriate. 

Top 40
  • This can range from Beyoncé to Nickelback to Lil’ Wayne (radio edit)
  • Jazz
  • Either Michael Bublé, Norah Jones or Christmas music
Coffee Culture

This place has terrible lattes and coffee (lunch isn’t bad), but I like the actual space itself because it’s good for working (outlets, tables, space!). They also play kicking jams…

Sippin’ on nostalgia

90s - alternative, grunge, classics
  • The Cranberries
  • Blind Melon
  • Everything but the Girl
  • Sade

You should already know by now I don’t go to Starbucks, I don’t think I’ve actually sat there since I was 13 except once for a meeting. So how would I know their music? I’ll leave you with this: don’t they have their own label?