
It’s funny how PR agencies/in house PR people blast you with emails and requests. It’s as if they don’t check the contents of the site they are emailing and just assume that a) it fits with what you post b) even though you haven’t posted in two years and state that you are no longer posting, they think this might be the one time you will and c) misspelling your name is okay. No…

It’s unprofessional.

What’s even worst than PR people blasting you are job applicants who don’t read the mandate of the organisation. Tip: if you’re going to apply for a volunteer/paid/contributor position, it is VITAL that you read the entire website of the organisation you’re applying to BEFORE pressing “send.” If you haven’t done your homework, you’re not likely to get a reply. Why?

It’s unprofessional.

And finally, nothing is worse than a person who wants to be self-righteous. For example: let’s say you are applying for a job at McDonalds and you critique/question the way they source the meat in your application, what are the chances they will give you the job? If you want to work for this company and want to change their policies, you don’t critique/question their policies while applying for a job, you get the position and start working on change from a place where you can actually make a difference. Don’t wonder why you didn’t get the job, an application like that…

Is unprofessional.