Decolonising the Institution, a roundtable discussion

On Monday 15 January at the Royal College of Art, I will be part of a roundtable discussion on Decolonising the Institution alongside Tanveer Ahmed, Hannah Catherine Jones, and Lola Olufemi, chaired by Rathna Ramanathan. 

The roundtable will discuss decolonisation at the RCA whilst looking to institutions such as SOAS and Cambridge University who are leading the charge to fundamentally challenge the White Male Western dominance of education within the UK. 

The event is hosted by the Royal College of Art Students' Union and is open to the public.


  • Monday 15 January 19.00-20.30
  • Gorvy Lecture Theatre, Dyson Building, 1 Hester Road, SW11 4AN (map) 
  • Facebook Event