Eventually, I want to write more about this but this short post will have to suffice for now. Toronto's next gentrification culprit: Filmores. This year, the Broadview Hotel (formerly Jilly's) opened. The Broadview Hotel attempts to recreate the change the Drake Hotel created in the west end, by literally copy pasting the model. Mark my words, this gem (Filmores), located at Dundas and George (oh so close to the memorable corner of Dundas and Sherbourne), is not far behind.
Here's how it appears gentrification works in Toronto: neighbourhoods go through gentrification, but Coffee Time (which I am convinced is a front for money laundering), stays in place. Super-gentrification begins when Coffee Time gets replaced by a medium range restaurant, and hyper-gentrification happens when the medium range restaurant becomes a boutique/concept store, coffee shop or restaurant. For evidence of my theory, look no further to King St. West and Bathurst, where Coffee Time was replaced by Wild Wing, which will soon be replaced by something with 'raw' walls and a chalkboard. Also, the corner of Queen West and Niagara, Coffee Time has been replaced by 'Loaded Pierogi'. So it begins...again.