Link round-up - 21 September 2014

I have been writing this round-up for what seems like forever, mainly because I have just never sat down and finished adding all the links! So I added a few more and think that settles it for this week.

"The news is for idiots"

“The news is for idiots” was a comment I saw on someone posting their opinion on a certain situation. This view however is shared by many. It is better to avoid reading it and pretend not to have an opinion on any matter. I decided to briefly analyse my Facebook feed, and describe feelings and actions of those who are ’non-political' (self-proclaimed) on specific events this summer, and on other relevant issues. Here are the results: 

  1. Syria: indifference
  2. ISIS: “we in the civilised world” or indifference
  3. Gaza: indifference or simplified as “Give peace a chance!”
  4. Russia/Ukraine: indifference or “always knew they were corrupt bad guys, Bond told me!”
  5. Ebola: indifference
  6. Brazil: indifference, except of course when it came to the score of the world cup matches
  7. Olympics/World Cup news: as long as those stadiums don’t delay the opening ceremonies, I’m indifferent
  8. Ferguson: Some are outraged, some are completely indifferent
  9. Tim Horton’s being bought out by Burger King: mild outrage
  10. Gay rights: If there’s a party, I’m there!
  11. Canadian government making atrocious decisions: mild uproar
  12. Rob Ford smokes crack: outrage
  13. Airline crashes: mild indifference or trip cancellations or boycotting the airline
  14. Celebrity death (A to C list): devastation
  15. Parking ticket: outrage
  16. Aboriginals: "I guess it’s important, but I really don’t know anything"
  17. A TV show gets cancelled: sadness, calls for a Kickstarter to be created begin
  18. Reduction of cycling lanes: outrage
  19. Someone smoking on a non-smoking patio: more outrage than drunk driving
  20. The weather: depends on if it’s good or bad
  21. Ben Affleck as Batman: petitions signed
  22. Justin Bieber’s behaviour: petitions signed
  23. Cell-phone provider policies: blind rage
  24. Ice bucket challenge: “yay looks fun, and I’m doing good!” “What’s ALS?” “Why are people wasting water?” And of course, moral superiority that we waste water in other ways, why is this any different?
  25. Jennifer Lawrence nude photos leak: moral superiority